NYC Bujinkan

Class Schedule

Training will resume soon.

Tickets here.



Adhoc training

Martial Arts & Self Defence (Bujinkan Ninjutsu)

For Adults only. It is full contact.
Open to all levels. No prior experience required.

Ninjutsu was developed as a collection of fundamental survivalist techniques in the warring states of feudal Japan. Ninjutsu is the strategy and tactics of unconventional warfare, guerrilla warfare and espionage purportedly practiced by the ninja.
We will work on punches, kicks, wrist locks, take downs and other cool stuff. And you will learn general self defense techniques, how to fight and to stay safe.


Check out the NYC Bujinkan T-Shirts.

Click on the picture or button below to go to the merchandise page and purchase your NYC Bujinkan t-shirt at the Amazon shop.

Available in different colours and countries with back and front print or only front batch.

(Other t-shirts by our design partner West 75th here)

Warning and Limitation of Liability: Ninjutsu is an extreme sport and can be dangerous to you and fellow students if not undertaken carefully.

By attending the NYC Bujinkan training you accept your own responsibility and waive any liability of teachers, the dojo and fellow students.

Although we have not had any injuries at the dojo/ training, and do everything to prevent it, Ninjutsu is a potentially dangerous activity. By acquiring a ticket you acknowledge the potential danger and agree to act in a sensible way and avoid injuries.

 Copyright © NYC Bujinkan 2022