


I am a painter who excels in the use of color configurations and the art of transforming geometric and curvilinear forms. I explore the unlimited potentiality of chromatic and tonal scales, visual planes and volume within a two-dimensional framework. Viewing her dynamic works of art is an exciting kinetic experience similar to viewing patterns through a kaleidoscope.

My Paintings.

My pictorial scheme appears to extend beyond our peripheral vision. I am an optical illusionist whose art defies spacial limitations. Colorful patterns advance and recede, undulate and coalesce. They emulate the manner in which the universe operates in the energetic realms of both the microcosm and macrocosm.

My use of both organic shapes and pixelated forms serve as references to living organisms as well as the world of technology. These patterns cohabitate in harmony, often superimposed upon the other, to create a reverie of unpredictable movement and transparent effects.


I’ve exhibited in a wide range of settings from small local venues to museums and galleries across the country and abroad. Namely: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of Modern Art, The Whitney, Art Institute of Chicago, Getty Center.

Copyright © Own Brand 2020