John Stock.


I am John.


I am John Stock. As a venture capitalist and an executive at several start-ups I have had the pleasure to work with dynamic teams and great people. I always look for challenges and desert island investments that have great potential. I invested in Tesla in the early days, but also play it safe to have a balanced portfolio. I became a venture capitalist after I sold my company and now pass my knowledge on to starting entrepreneurs. I like cycling and spending time with my family. If I can I head to the mountains.


Venture Capital.

In 2016 I sold my company and since then I invest in a range of companies and have a focus on biotechnology and food.

I have averaged a 25% increase on my portfolio every year, due to dedicated attention to the businesses I invest in.

Every year I run a Future Thinking session with Minkowski for the benefit of the companies and sustained growth of my portfolio.


I started out as an entrepreneur and it is great to now share my knowledge which the next generation of entrepreneurs.

I have been involved with Venture Cafe in Cambridge for many years and run many workshops via them.

Next to that I mentor three aspiring entrepreneurs or business owners every year. One of them just finalised a $100m IPO.

Impact Investment.

I was asked once if I would invest in a company just for doing good regardless if I would make money out of it. That made me think.

Since then every year I set aside a part of my portfolio to invest in something I believe in and that could better the world or the environment.

Many ventures have turned profitable some did not but have had a positive social impact on communities.

KEY SKILLS: People Management * Investing * Strategy Thinking * Management * Entrepreneur Coaching * Public speaking * Being a dad * Cycling.


For many years I worked in the Bio Technology field based close to MIT in Cambridge, MA. The company that I sold back in 2016 was also a Bio Tech company. Before that I was manager of a research department and a CIO of a large start-up also in bio technology.

Food Industry

For 20 years I have been working in the food industry. My dad had a farm in Uruguay and every summer I went to help out. After college I continued to work in the food industry and did research to enhance the growth and resilience of crops.


I launched my own start-up and grew the company to a turnover of $100 million a year within 5 years. I established a great team and when I sold the company we had a staff of 200 great people.

I now use my experience as an entrepeneur to help others to get started.


In my spare time I love cycling. I have done the alternative Tour the France and have been mountain biking in the hills of Devon, UK recently.

Cycling gives me an opportunity to clear my mind after a busy week and is a great way to experience the nature around us.

Family man

I have a lovely wife called Linda and two beautiful daughters. Linda tells me that I work too much (she is probably right).

However, I try to do a lot with my daughters and we have had many great trips hiking together in the hills close to our home.

Multi -cultural

My parents arrived in the United States in the 60s and I grew up in Boston and New York, but also spend part of teen life in London and Paris due to my dad’s work.

After graduation I moved to Sao Paolo for a year. I speak 5 languages of which three fluent.


Copyright © John Stock 2020