Venture Capital.



Climate change is expected to cause adverse effects to agriculture around the globe, with many countries showing increasing concerns about their possible devastating ripercussions. Earth temperatures are expected to increase by approximately 2 ̊C in the next 100 years, which will result in dramtic changes in rainfall patterns in many parts of the world and particularly in dry areas. Temperature and water availability are major determinants of plant productivity. Limited water supply (drought stress) and warmer temperatures (heat stress) will certainly reduce crop production. Wheat yields are expected to drop by approximately 5% at each 0.5 ̊C increase in temperature

My Role.

I provide a unique combination of project development and financing expertise, relationships with key stakeholders, and proprietary tools and data that enable us to serve as trusted partners to governments, private developers, and investors. My project-development work focuses on helping bridge the current gap between infrastructure investment and needs by convening the right parties and collaborating to establish viable, bankable infrastructure projects in which investors can be confident.


Delivered the program on time and within budget.

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