Kite Spots New York City

The most popular spots in NY & NJ

Beginner Friendly

Plumb Beach

Wind directions: S, E.
This is the go to spot for NYC by subway and Uber. Relatively flat water, lots of kiters free parking but limited (especially in summer). Thermals usually kick in at the end of hot summer days.

Exact location (map)


Wind directions: N, NW.
Street parking. Chop. Cool views of NYC and ships entering harbor. There are cleaner beaches. Usually gusty because of the N wind factor. Venturi effect coming from the Hudson River.

Exact location (map)

Breezy Point

Wind directions: W, NW.
Best spot on a west wind (fall, winter and early spring). Nice big beach. Wind can be gusty. Mostly choppy, but depending on the tide. Can create some nice boosting ramps. Parking can be a problem without a permit.

Location (map)

Sandy Hook.jpg



Wind directions: NE to NW.
In the bay the wind is very gusty. Out of the bay you will find amazing flat water and channels (map). Not good for beginners! More info.


Wind directions: S, SW, SE.
Great wave spot. Large beach to launch from. Can get deep quickly. Easy parking although not in summer (map). Not good for beginners!


Wind directions: SW to SE. Known as Shark Bay. Free parking, but very limited (more parking further up). Flat water in the bay and waves near Demo Point (map). Not good for beginners! Parking info here.

More NY: Napeaque Wind directions: N. E. S,SW (map). Rockaway Beach Wind directions: E, S, W (map). Coney Island Wind directions: SW to SE. Overlook Beach Wind directions: SW to SE. Floyd Bennett Field Wind directions: S, E. Cross Bay (CBB) Wind direction: W (map).


New Jersey

Sandy Hook 

Wind directions: N, S, SSW, NW.

Free parking (except summer: $15 fee between 7am-5pm and fills quickly) Kiters park at the end of Lot B. Flat water in the bay and waves ocean side (spectacular views of Manhattan). Family friendly. Showers, toilets.

Low tide good for beginners - be careful off the channel because of tidal current (map). Before low tide, the current flows S and, if wind drops, you can be pulled under the bridge or current takes your board.

Choppy at NW. Great flat further W (towards the lighthouse) during low tide. Spermacetti Cove (N of the kite beach) has mirror-like flatwater in NW wind; you can kite to the Cove or walk in from Lot C (30 min). In winter, a seal colony lives on the sand bar.

Kite Island Wind directions: NE, S, SSW, SW
Kite island is an amazing flat water spot. You will need to go there by boat. Definitely worth a visit (contact Us for more info).


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